Trust Your Position with Applanix

This entry is part 14 of 14 in the series Heights 2022

For nearly 30 years, Applanix, A Trimble company, has offered complete and customized mobile mapping solutions while championing the technology revolution that allows pinpoint positioning in any condition. Applanix is the standard for organizations that depend on accuracy and quality, and value experienced partners.

Our turnkey and OEM GNSS-Inertial solutions are designed for pinpoint accuracy, efficiency, and ease of use, supporting applications for aerial survey and remote sensing, land-based mobile mapping, and autonomous vehicles. Whether you require a complete airborne mapping solution for generating directly georeferenced lidar data or guidance and Advanced Driver Assistance Solutions for vehicles, Applanix has your solution.

We put our 30 years of experience to work for you. Our engineers are recognized as industry-leading experts who understand every component of the systems required to provide the most accurate positioning data from the air, land, and sea. They’re available to help orient you and your business to achieve the most reliable and accurate results. Our industry leadership is hard-earned.

Our R&D teams are constantly pushing the limits of what can be obtained through almost any sensor in ever more challenging environments and developing software solutions that are practical, user-friendly, and powerful enough to provide fast and efficient results.

With Applanix, you can Trust your position.


Contact Information: Applanix Corporation 85 Leek Crescent, Richmond Hill, ON L4B 3B3 Canada T +1-905-709-4600, F +1-905-709-6027

[email protected]

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